Black Jim Gallery is closing down. At the 5 th of December the famous venue in Kreuzberg dies.
There for we have a party, a "Funeral Party", to celebrate everything Black Jim Gallery ever was and wasn´t.
Gallery owner Martin Bengtsson says;
"The desicion to close the Gallery is based on Black Jim Gallery herself.
She has become a grown up now, ready to move on, see the world & maybe find another Gallery that she can get kids with or just have as a random fuck til she get experienced enough to settle down. I mean I know she´s just one year but this little girl has grown up so fast that she´s getting hard to handle. Our fights has been harder & harder. Yeah, we´ve even tryed "Father & Daughter" therapy for a while but nothing seems to work on this rebellious child. To celebrate that she´s crazy, just like everyone else of us, we will have a party.
Some of us might see this "Funerl Party" in one way, some other will see it differently, but the important thing is that we´re there. To support & celebrate the Gallery, ourselfs, Berlin & most important - The Art we have given & shared with each other and others during the last year in Black Jim Gallery."Everyone. Bring your lyrics, instruments, poems and so on and feel free to perform at the hand made "Ryan Nash"-stage for the last time. Send an e-mail to or write in the guestbook down here if you´re interested in your own, short, slot. There will be a couple of performances and after that the famous Black Jim - Open Mic.
Welcome to write your last words to the Gallery aswell & share memories from this era in the guestbook or during the night at the 5 th.
See you, friends & family at the 5 th of December.
Til then;
"Everywhere we go, everywhere we go, everywhere we go, they say Damn!"
Confirmed performances:


Paula Varjack

Joe Czarnecki

Tom Rakete


Ryan Nash

Victor Bengtsson

Michael Haeflinger
More performances to come...
Lady Gaby
15.00-16.30 Exhibition - ”One year in Black Jim Gallery” - contributions from The Black Jim Family & Friends.
16.30 Funeral begins. Organ Intro by Preast Martin Bengtsson
16.35 Speach by the Preast
16.45 Rose (or cigarett) cermony. Share a few words by the grave.
17.15 Tory Lichterman
17.35 Van Ly
17.50 Free slot
18.00 Tom 25
18.20 Open -Mic
19.00 Tory Lichterman
19.10 Paula Varjack
19.30 Lady Gaby
19.50 Waldemaar
20.00 Ditto
20.20 Van Ly
20.30 Ryan Nash
20.50 Joe Czarnecki
21.20 Ziggy Bratwurst & Iggy Snop
21.30 The Facebookplay
21.45 Open-Mic
22.30 Christian Augrell
22.40 Party