As I said, I´m youtube-ing this morning and a few moments ago I was in a very good mood. Then i started to look for one of my favourite bands Holiday Fun Club and found a video from there performance in Berlin in 2008. What I didn´t expect to find thou was myself, acting like a drunked hockey-supporter in front of the stage. Yes, I enjoyed the band, but no there has to be limits...From now on I´m gonna watch my steps, never drink and dance at the same time, and wear no leather hats...
I wanna send a warning to sensitive viewers. Look out for the guy with the black-hat in the right corner at the begining...Like a driver once said to me; "Han är en annan som inte riktigt har alla hästar hemma..."
måndag 26 januari 2009
Good Morning Berlin!
Today Sofia is gone for Sweden. Mean, I have the morningmeeting by myself. Mean, I have noone to talk to but lot of time to surf on different music clips on youtube.
I wanna share this music-video with the italian band Articolo 31 with you. The song is called Senza Dubbio.
Meanwhile I´m gonna start writing a text to the "Rädda Barnen"-webbsite and have another coffea maybe.
And Fia, hope you had a good flight and a good night sleep. I watched CNN of cause and ate nuddles in the bed.
I wanna share this music-video with the italian band Articolo 31 with you. The song is called Senza Dubbio.
Meanwhile I´m gonna start writing a text to the "Rädda Barnen"-webbsite and have another coffea maybe.
And Fia, hope you had a good flight and a good night sleep. I watched CNN of cause and ate nuddles in the bed.
onsdag 21 januari 2009
New songs...

Martin put up two new songs at
"Hollywood & Kerouac" and "1000 milimeter"
tisdag 20 januari 2009
Morning meeting
We(Sofia and Martin) had an earrly morning meeting. Starting 8.40 at the Gallery with a coffea, black of cause, two croissants and a whole list of things to do.
Martin worn red pants from Entertainment, "cykel-skjorta" stolen at the Roskilde Festival and a black jacket from random second hand-store in Kreuzberg.
Sofia worn a green-dress(?) from Bik Bok and a t-shirt from the great punkrock band The Accidents(you don´t see it at the picture thou...). This is one of there song´s if you haven´t checked them out already.
After the meeting Sofia started to make hand-made postcards, you´ll see them later at the blog. Martin kept on working with his song "Hoolywood & Kerouack", and today it´s time for the vocals.
At the gallery today we play the fabolous CD, Singing Paris and Johnny Cash. So to celebrate Paris, and not to forget, France, we share this clip with the first lady of the country, married to Sarkozy. Carla Bruni or Carla Sarkozy?
And by the way. Wouldn´t it be great to see Carla Bruni and The Accidents on the same stage making a cover of Johnny Cash "Ghost rider in the sky"?
fredag 16 januari 2009
måndag 12 januari 2009
söndag 11 januari 2009
fredag 9 januari 2009
After some weeks of hard work at internet cafés around Kreuzberg the "Black-Jim"-crew finally got there own internet connection.
A little O2 stick with speed enough to drag a mosquito up a hill.
Sofia said in a statement to the German press earlier this morning; "This will be a turningpoint, not just for us, but for the hole Berlin society."
The internet connection where celebrated at a near by pub called Konrad Tönz with friends, before Martin and Sofia went home to check there mail once more.
Late at night, around 01.23. Martin screamed, still aslepp; "Yes!" And then made a V-sign in the air. Just so you get a clue of how big this moment was for Martin in a "Freudianian"-way.

A little O2 stick with speed enough to drag a mosquito up a hill.
Sofia said in a statement to the German press earlier this morning; "This will be a turningpoint, not just for us, but for the hole Berlin society."
The internet connection where celebrated at a near by pub called Konrad Tönz with friends, before Martin and Sofia went home to check there mail once more.
Late at night, around 01.23. Martin screamed, still aslepp; "Yes!" And then made a V-sign in the air. Just so you get a clue of how big this moment was for Martin in a "Freudianian"-way.
onsdag 7 januari 2009
No distance...
tisdag 6 januari 2009
Pony Hütchen, IKEA and Coffea
The "Black Jim"-crew started tuesday morning with a hot coffea like they always do. Then they moved out, on different missions.
Sofia took the S-Bahn to IKEA where she looked for a mirror, a carpet and the swedish "specialité": Falukorv.
Martin worked in the studio with his songs for Sundays performance at Schokoladen.
In the afternoon the whole crew was gathered again and they walked to Pony Hütchen to find seats for the studio.
They found two.
On the way home they made several stops to catch the breath and also to enjoy the freezing Berlin climate. -12.
After carrying the two seats from Pony Hütchen the crew was tired. So they had another cup of coffea. Like always.

Sofia took the S-Bahn to IKEA where she looked for a mirror, a carpet and the swedish "specialité": Falukorv.
Martin worked in the studio with his songs for Sundays performance at Schokoladen.
In the afternoon the whole crew was gathered again and they walked to Pony Hütchen to find seats for the studio.
They found two.
On the way home they made several stops to catch the breath and also to enjoy the freezing Berlin climate. -12.
After carrying the two seats from Pony Hütchen the crew was tired. So they had another cup of coffea. Like always.

Martin Bengtsson,
Pony Hütchen,
Sofia Nilsson
måndag 5 januari 2009
What´s a "Galleristé" outfit?
Sofia Nilsson took the U-bahn to Warchauerstrasse at monday morning, to find her first "Galleristé" outfit.
There are surtain things you have to keep in mind when you dress up for an exibition as a gallery owner.
1. The dress need to match your income.
2. The dress should be of that kind that you can wear it even if the gallery is not open. For example early in the morning.
3. The dress have to handle rough environments, such as cheap laundry.
Her you see Sofia present 3 of the dresses that she considered buying.



1.The American-countryside-galleristé
2.The Russian-I´m married to a rich man-galleristé
3.The French-galleristé
Lay your vote on the dress you like most and you win. We promise.
There are surtain things you have to keep in mind when you dress up for an exibition as a gallery owner.
1. The dress need to match your income.
2. The dress should be of that kind that you can wear it even if the gallery is not open. For example early in the morning.
3. The dress have to handle rough environments, such as cheap laundry.
Her you see Sofia present 3 of the dresses that she considered buying.
1.The American-countryside-galleristé
2.The Russian-I´m married to a rich man-galleristé
3.The French-galleristé
Lay your vote on the dress you like most and you win. We promise.
söndag 4 januari 2009
Building a gallery
When the floor was ready the hard work started.
Her we see Martin building a "Hyllis" from IKEA.
The jeans are from a second hand store at Lautsitzer Strasse.
25 euro.
Black Jim Studio and Gallery,
Tight budget...
Because of a tight budget "The Black Jim"-crew had to find people interesting at working for free when they bulit the gallery.
Her you see a young kid, found at the street, who just wanted two fresh pears and a transistor-radio, to paint the floor.
Black Jim Studio and Gallery,
Hard working man
If you look closely you might notice that the sparkling water is almost finished and the hands move really quick over the board. If you take another look you might also notice that he have a nice, and very rare, "beany" from Myrorna in Örebro, 10 swedish kronor.
At a third look you might realise that someone is drinking from a straw at the other table. He´s not from France.
Meeting at Oberholtz...
Her you see gallery owner Sofia Nilsson update the myspacepage by her side you see a man from France.
At the meeting today several things were disscused.
1. What is art?
2. How does a "Galleristé" dress?
3. Who killed Laura Palmer?
If anyone got a answear on one, or all, of these questions please don´t be afraid to contact us.
Black Jim Studio and Gallery,
Laura Palmer,
Sofia Nilsson
At this picture:
Carpet from Myrorna, 5 euro.
Chair from Pony, 34 euro.
Candles from IKEA, 3 euro.
Little Buddha from Thailand, unknown prize.
Table and lamp from a dead man, free.
Clock from Karlssons, 35 euro.
Sofia Nilsson painting, 620 euro.
Martin himself wear a shirt from Weekday, 10 euro.
Cheap Monday jeans, 40 euro.
Shoes from Suberga, 100 euro.
No under-wear, free.
Black Jim Studio and Gallery,
Cheap Monday,
Martin Bengtsson,
Sofia Nilsson,
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