måndag 26 januari 2009

Things the grandchildren shouldn´t know....

As I said, I´m youtube-ing this morning and a few moments ago I was in a very good mood. Then i started to look for one of my favourite bands Holiday Fun Club and found a video from there performance in Berlin in 2008. What I didn´t expect to find thou was myself, acting like a drunked hockey-supporter in front of the stage. Yes, I enjoyed the band, but no there has to be limits...From now on I´m gonna watch my steps, never drink and dance at the same time, and wear no leather hats...

I wanna send a warning to sensitive viewers. Look out for the guy with the black-hat in the right corner at the begining...Like a driver once said to me; "Han är en annan som inte riktigt har alla hästar hemma..."

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